28th Apr 2024

The Proper Thing and Other Stories by Seanan McGuire

The Proper Thing and Other Stories, a huge new collection by Seanan McGuire is in stock and shipping.

The volume includes 24 stories spread across more than 500 pages, including an over 100 page novella making its first print appearance.

Carla McNeil has provided a full-color dust jacket and a small pen and ink illustration for the head of each tale.

We do not plan to make this book available to distributors or large online retailers. Ordering direct is your best bet to snag a copy.

About the Book:

From the end of the world to the beginning, with a nice charcuterie plate to sustain us on the way, it’s time for another journey through the eccentric, eclectic short fiction of Seanan McGuire. From dangerous holidays to the beauty of the library, from the power of cheese to the power of love, this volume will take you from the past to the future, sometimes on the same page.

Learn about the insecurities of the superheroic world, and how hard some people will work to survive the end of absolutely everything. Discover what everyone knows, and watch what happens when the cultural foundations are pulled from under your favorite cuisine. See what people will do when all else is lost, and watch what happens on the day the music dies.

And when all that is through, visit our magical cheese shop for something truly delicious, impossible and unique. We have a little something for everyone in our box of delights. Don’t be afraid—just reach in, and choose a treat to improve and enhance your day.

We’ve been waiting for another trip to the store on the corner, where they sell Wensleydale and wishes side by side. Come along now, let’s go.

Limited: 1250 signed numbered hardcover copies: $50

From Publishers Weekly:

“Hugo and Nebula Award winner McGuire’s staggering second limited-edition collection with Subterranean takes a somewhat darker tone than 2019’s Laughter at the Academy, but these 24 stories still offer a sense of twisted whimsy and cautious optimism... A similar folkloric aesthetic and the author’s professed love of cheese come together in the mystical transformations of the delightful title novella, which closes out the collection. It’s easy to sink into the imaginatively unsettling spaces these stories inhabit.”