Announcing Two New Collections by Michael Blumlein

9th Oct 2023

Long by Michael Blumlein

We're delighted to announce two collections by Michael Blumlein

Kim Stanley Robinson and Carter Scholz edited the volumes, while Karen Joy Fowler and Jonathan Lethem provided generous introductions.

Long includes all of the longer stories and novellas Michael Blumlein published in his lifetime. They come from the last decade of his long career, displaying his mature mastery of craft, generosity of spirit, and unbounded imagination. “California Burning” concerns a son’s attempt to come to terms with his father’s difficult, perhaps alien, legacy. “Longer” is a brilliant, penetrating short novel about an alien artifact that interrogates the nature of life, and how much is enough.

Short includes all of the shorter fiction Michael Blumlein published in his lifetime, spanning four decades. It includes one previously unpublished story, “Passenger,” and one never before reprinted, “Softcore”. Arranged chronologically, the stories afford a clear view of Blumlein’s evolution as a writer.

The earlier stories from the ’80s are tinged with horror, viewed with a clinical eye; “The Brains of Rats,” “Tissue Ablation,” and “Shed His Grace” are legendary for their power to disturb. The later stories, like “The Big One,” “Isostasy,” “Know How Can Do,” and “Twenty Two and You” reveal a mastery of craft and a generosity of heart toward every variation of the human (and nonhuman) condition.