23rd Jul 2023

The Dead Man and Other Horror Stories by Gene Wolfe

The Dead Man and Other Horror Stories by Gene Wolfe is nearing the front of the shipping queue.

As a reminder, we won't be supplying this one to wholesale accounts or large online retailers.

This week, the book picked up another stellar review, this one from Paul di Filippo at Locus Online:

“My absolute favorite tale is ‘Bed and Breakfast,’ which opens thus: ‘I know an old couple who live near Hell. They have a small farm, and, to supplement the meager income it provides (and to use up its bounty of chickens, ducks and geese, of beefsteak tomatoes, bull-nose peppers and roastin’ ears), open their spare bedrooms to paying guests. From time to time, I am one of those guests.’ This Zelaznyesque tale of fated but fraught lovers is both melancholy and life-affirming…

“…Wolfe’s trademarks are everywhere in this volume. His penchant for unreliable narrators; his ability to contrast saintliness and evil, sometimes within the same character; his offhand depiction of seemingly trivial incidents which by story’s end prove to be of utmost portent; his ability to discern ancient lineaments beneath the façade of modernity; his privileging of an ethical life while remaining sympathetic to those who fall short— In summary, Wolfe’s moral and narrative complexities operate just as wonderfully at the short story level as they do in his novels, and the ostensible foregrounding of classic horror tropes hinders his voice not one whit. He was able to transform all he touched into pure fabulaic gold.”

Limited: 1000 numbered hardcover copies: $50