Excerpts from Joe R. Lansdale's The Events Concerning Posted

23rd Jun 2022

The Events Concerning by Joe R. Lansdale

[<a href=“https://subterraneanpress.com/events-concerning”>Buy Book</a>]We’ve updated the product page for Joe R. Lansdale’s The Events Concerning to include excerpts from both novellas in this wild crime collection.

Here’s the opening to the classic novella, “The Events Concerning a Nude Fold-Out Found in a Harlequin Romance.”

Looking back on it, I wouldn’t have thought something as strange as all this, full of the real coincidence of life, would have begun with a bad circus, but that’s how it started, at least for me.

My luck had gone from bad to worse, then over the lip of worse, and into whatever lower level it can descend into. My job at the aluminum chair plant had played out and no rich relatives had died and left me any money. Fact was, I don’t think the Cooks, least any that are kin to me, have any money, outside of a few quarters to put in a jukebox come Saturday night, maybe a few bucks to waste on something like pretzels and beer.

Me, I didn’t even have money for beer or jukeboxes. I was collecting a little money on unemployment, and I was out beating the bushes for a job, but there didn’t seem to be much in the way of work in Mud Creek. I couldn’t even get on at the feed store carrying out bags of fertilizer and seed. All the sixteen-year-olds had that job.


Head over to the book’s product page to see how the new novella, “The Events Concerning Two Stabbed Clowns in a Bloody Bathtub” begins.