A Fine Dark Line

A Fine Dark Line

<strong>Dustjacket by John Picacio</strong></p>
In a career filled with peaks, <i>A Fine Dark Line</i> may just be the high point for Joe R. Lansdale, author of the coming-of-age classic (and winner of the Edgar Award for Best Novel) <i>The Bottoms</i>, suspense novels <i>Cold in July, Mucho Mojo</i>, and <i>Captains Outrageous</i>, and many others.</p>
In <i>A Fine Dark Line</i>, follow hisownself to 1958, to a young boy who lives with his family in a drive-in movie theater they run, a humble but proud situation which will be threatened by a crime which occurred years ago.</p>
The novel begins simply enough...</p>
<i>My name is Stanley Mitchell, Jr., and I&#39;ll write down what I recall.</i></p>
<i>This all happened in a place called Dewmont.</i></p>
... and builds to a terrifying climax in which the past may be dead, but reaches out to the present.</p>
<i>A Fine Dark Line</i> will contain the original text as Joe wrote it, as well as two unused prologues and an afterword, <b>a total of nearly 30,000 words of material that will appear only in the Subterranean Press edition.</b></p>
<b>Limited:</b> Signed, bound in full-cloth, with full-color dustjacket.<br />
<b>Lettered:</b> Limited to 26 signed copies, bound in full-leather, with a full-color piece of art exclusive to this edition bound in the handcrafted traycase.</p>

Joe R. Lansdale