LOCUS Magazine on CROWS AND SILENCES by Lucius Shepard

9th Feb 2025

Dust Jacket for Crows and Silences by Lucius Shepard

Locus magazine recently published a laudatory review of Crows and Silences, the hefty novella collection by the much-missed Lucius Shepard.

We’re reprinting Locus’ coverage of Colonel Rutherford's Colt, the 55,000 word novel included in Crows and Silences, and, in our opinion, one of his finest works: 

“‘Colonel Rutherford’s Colt’ distils all that’s great about Shepard. There are the typical obsessions with sex, violence, and morally culpable people coupled with intense, vivid prose. But we’re also treated to two magnificent characters in Jimmy and Rita, who have had to contend with years of abuse and are still working through who they are (though Rita seems more comfortable in her skin than Jimmy). Also magnificent and unexpected is how Shepard binds the two narratives, the fictional circumstances in Cuba where Rutherford is seeking revenge on his wife and lover and the real-world events where Jimmy, Colt in hand, confronts Major Raymond. If there’s a story you wish the literati had noticed in Shepard’s lifetime, plying him with platitudes and awards, it’s the remarkable ‘Colonel Rutherford’s Colt’. Right now, though, it’s enough that all four of these short novels are available, that Shepard’s work continues to live on.”

Limited: 500 numbered hardcover copies: $60

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