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Announcing OTHER PEOPLE'S PLAYGROUNDS by Harry TurtledovePurchase Book

Announcing OTHER PEOPLE'S PLAYGROUNDS by Harry Turtledove

July 16

We’re delighted to announce Other People’s Playgrounds by Harry Turtledove, which collects a baker’s dozen stories, along with gorgeous dust jacket art by Lee Moyer.

Every now and then, writers get the chance to work in worlds they didn’t create. This is uniquely enjoyable; it gives a writer the chance to pretend to be someone else, or to riff on somebody else’s good idea. But these stories, however much fun they are to write, often fall by the wayside once written. They’re neither fish nor fowl, not wholly the product of the writer or of the person who devised the setup he or she is using.

Other People’s Playgrounds collects thirteen such stories. Harry Turtledove has fun in the worlds of writers as diverse as H. P. Lovecraft and Isaac Asimov, Poul Anderson and Jerome K. Jerome, Philip José Farmer and S.M. Stirling, or J.D. Salinger and Fred Saberhagen.

What might happen if the Three Men of Three Men in a Boat ran into a vampire or a werewolf? What was the fall of the mighty imperial world, Trantor, in Asimov’s Foundation universe really like? And what did Martin Padway, the resourceful hero of L. Sprague de Camp’s Lest Darkness Fall, forget till almost too late? The stories in Other People’s Playgrounds answer questions like these and more.

Interior Illustrations for THE PROPER THING AND OTHER STORIES by Seanan McGuire Posted

11th Feb 2024

Interior Illustrations for THE PROPER THING AND OTHER STORIES by Seanan McGuire Posted

Seanan McGuire's forthcoming collection, The Proper Thing and Other Stories, continues to sell very well.The dust jacket illustration is by Carla Speed McNeil, who has also contributed a small pen-and-ink illustration to appear at the head of each story.If sales continue apace, it's very unlikely that we'll have copies of The Proper Thing for our distributor accounts or large online retailers. Ordering dire
Check Out Excerpts from Maelstrom and Other Martian Tales by Kage Baker

8th Feb 2024

Check Out Excerpts from Maelstrom and Other Martian Tales by Kage Baker

We're delighted to share excerpts from Kage Baker's forthcoming collection, Maelstrom and Other Martian Tales, in which the beloved author brings her playfulness and passion for storytelling to the red planet.The Empress of Mars(excerpt)There were three Empresses of Mars.The first one was a bar at the Settlement. The second was the lady who ran the bar; though her title was strictly informal, having been be
Joe R. Lansdale's THE UNLIKELY AFFAIR OF THE CRAWLING RAZOR—An Excerpt and a Review

29th Jan 2024

Joe R. Lansdale's THE UNLIKELY AFFAIR OF THE CRAWLING RAZOR—An Excerpt and a Review

As we've mentioned, Joe R. Lansdale's most famous—and feared—horror creation, The God of the Razor, returns in the novella, The Unlikely Affair of the Crawling Razor.We're pleased to present you with a couple of things, an excerpt from the novella, and part of early review from respected horror reviewer and editor, Stefan Dziemianowicz.The Unlikely Affair of the Crawling Razor(excerpt)One of our more b

28th Jan 2024


Maelstrom and Other Martian Tales is a special gathering of beloved author Kage Baker's tales centering on the Red Planet. The book is already at the printer, so get your order in now! Mars is an old world, one that has been mapped by science fiction writers for over a century. The late Nebula and Locus Award winning writer Kage Baker was among the most skilled cartographers to render the Red Pla
Announcing SILVER NITRATE by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

22nd Jan 2024

Announcing SILVER NITRATE by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

We're thrilled to announce Silver Nitrate by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, a fabulous meld of Mexican horror movies and Nazi occultism: a dark thriller about the curse that haunts a legendary lost film—and awakens one woman’s hidden powers. Please note that, while anyone may preorder the limited edition, there is an exclusive preorder period for the lettered edition. (Please don't order the latter unless yo
Announcing THE SECRET SHARER by Robert Silverberg

22nd Jan 2024

Announcing THE SECRET SHARER by Robert Silverberg

We’re pleased to announce a signed limited edition of Robert Silverberg’s classic novella, The Secret Sharer. Our edition will be printed in two colors throughout and feature over a dozen two-page spread illustrations, an illustrated title page, chapter head, and even more, all by Tom Canty.About the Book:In The Secret Sharer Grand Master Robert Silverberg takes us on a far-future voyage that pushes against
THE MINISTRY FOR THE FUTURE by Kim Stanley Robinson Shipping

22nd Jan 2024

THE MINISTRY FOR THE FUTURE by Kim Stanley Robinson Shipping

The signed limited edition of The Ministry for the Future, which may be Kim Stanley Robinson’s most impressive and important novel to date, is in stock and shipping.Our edition:is oversized;is printed in two colors throughout; includes full-color endsheets—different images in the front and back of the book;features three full-color, full page illustrations François Vaillancourt.About the Book:Told through a

22nd Jan 2024


Joe R. Lansdale's new collection, The Senior Girls Bayonet Drill Team, which includes 26 stories, plus an original introduction and story notes, is in stock and shipping!The wraparound dust jacket art, which highlights the title story, is by SubPress favorite Timothy Truman.We've pulled short excerpts from five of the tales, to give you an idea of the pleasures within the collection's pages.The Hungry Snow(